
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Q=It Questions, workings and Answers

Award yourself

1 mark for the correct substitution into the formula
(1 mark for converting minutes in s etc).
1 mark for calculating the correct answer.
1 mark for the correct unit

1.  A current of  2 amps flows in a circuit.  How much charge passes through a point in 30 seconds?  60 C
2.  A current of  5 amps flows in a circuit.  How much charge passes through a point in 50s?
250 C
3.  A current of  0.5 amps flows in a circuit.  How much charge passes through a point in the circuit in 2 minutes. Q = It            Q = 0.5 x (2 x 60) s = 60 C
4. A current of  0.25  amps flows in a circuit.  How much charge passes through a point in the circuit in 1  hour. Q = It     Q = 0.25 x (1 x 60 x 60)s = 900 C
5. A current of  20 mA  flows in a circuit.  How much charge passes through a point in the circuit in 1 min  30  sec. Q = It       Q = (20 ÷ 1000)  x ( 60 + 30)s = 1.8 C
6.   A  charge of 60 coulombs passes a point a circuit in 10 secs.  Calculate the current flowing.  6A
7. A  charge of 14 coulombs passes a point a circuit in 7 sec.  Calculate the current flowing. 2A
8. A  charge of 10 coulombs passes a point a circuit in 12 sec.  Calculate the current flowing.  0.83A
9. A  charge of 120 coulombs passes a point a circuit in 1 min.  Calculate the current flowing.
I = Q  ÷ t = 120 ÷ 60s = 2A
10. A  charge of 6000 coulombs passes a point a circuit in 1 hr.  Calculate the current flowing.
I = Q  ÷ t = 6000 ÷ 3660s = 1.67A
11.   A current  of  2 amps flows in a circuit.   How long does it take for 8 coulombs to flow  past a certain point? 4s
12. A current  of  10 amps flows in a circuit.   How long does it take for 50 coulombs to flow  past a certain point? 5s
13. A current  of  0.5 amps flows in a circuit.   How long does it take for 100 coulombs to flow  past a certain point?  200s
14. A current  of  4 amps flows in a circuit.   How long does it take for 1000 coulombs to flow  past a certain point? 250s
15. A current  of  0.3 amps flows in a circuit.   How long does it take for 15 coulombs to flow  past a certain point? 50s