
Wednesday 15 January 2014

Markscheme assessed Hw Waves

1.       D



  2.     (a)     Any two from:

1. all transverse waves;
2. all travel at the speed of light;
3. can all travel in a vacuum;                                                                  2

  (b)   ultraviolet   -      skin cancer;
gamma        -      radiation/burns/cancer/destroys cells;                                     2



  3.     (a)     ultrasound;
[Accept ultrasonic]                                                                                           1

  (b)   v = fl;   [seen or implied]
l = ;
  = 0.19 / 0.189 / 0.188 / 0.18 m;                                                                      3



  4.     A



  5.     (a)     (i)      sunbeds/ security marking – detection of forged bank notes/
fluorescent lamps/treatment of skin complaints/ sterilisation of
water/hardening fillings;
IGNORE: uv lamps                                                                                 1

  (ii)   uv higher frequency/visible lower frequency;
uv shorter wavelength/visible longer wavelength;                                   2
travel at the same speed; accept labelled diagram

  (b)   (i)      X-rays absorbed stopped/by bone;
pass through/flesh/(soft) tissue/muscle;
IGNORE arm/see through skin etc.
they affect a photographic film/darken photographic plate;                    3

  (ii)   kills/damages cells/DNA/genes/chromosomes/cause cancer/mutations/
infertility;                                                                                                1
IGNORE damages tissue;



  6.     (a)     (i)      B (no mark)
biggest/largest/highest amplitude/highest/tallest wave/biggest
displacement/ quantified from graph (using a comparison);                    1

(ii)     any two from
molecules of air vibrate (to and fro);
push together/at high pressure/compression/
then moves further apart/at lower pressure/rarefaction;
the vibrations are passed on;
(sound is a) longitudinal (wave);                                                             2

  (b)   Two from:
body scan(ning);cleaning surgical instruments [ignore sterilising];
treating muscle strains/joints/ligaments;
treating cataracts;
breaking up kidney stones/gallstones;
dentistry;                                                                                                          2

  (c)   use of v = f l / l = ;
substitution ;
calculation 17mm/0.017 m; (answer must include unit)                                   3



  7.     (a)     the angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle;                          1

(b)     Any two from :
in an optical fibre light is repeatedly reflected/ can travel round corners;
in a vacuum light travels in straight lines
the speed of light in an optical fibre is slower than in a vacuum;                     2

  (c)   Any two from:
digital signal is stepped/ only on or off/ only certain values allowed
analogue signal is continuously variable ;
digital signals can carry more information                                                        2

  (d)   wavelength = speed ÷ frequency;
                  = 2.20 × 108 m/s – 3.85 × 1014 Hz;
                  = 5.71 × 10 –7 m                                                                             3



  8.              wavelength = speed / frequency;
                   = 3.00 × 108 m/s ÷ 1.2 × 109 Hz/3.00 × 108 ÷ 1.2 × 109;
                   = 0.25 m/2500 mm;                                                                        3

