
Sunday 13 October 2013

Wave Equation calculations

  1. A water wave has a frequency of 2 Hz and a wavelength of 10cm (trap). Calculate its velocity. 0.2 m/s


  1. A certain metal sound of wavelength 4.3 m has a frequency of 1500 Hz. Calculate its velocity. 6450 m/s


  1. The frequency of a radio station is 1 200 kHz. What wavelength does it transmit on? 250m


  1. A certain note has a wavelength of 15cm. Calculate its frequency.2266.7 Hz


  1. A ray of light has a wavelength of 0.000 000 006m. Calculate its frequency.    5 x1014 Hz


  1. A radio station broadcasts on 1760m. Calculate its frequency. 170 kHz


  1. The lowest frequency that the human ear can detect is 20Hz (approx). 1.7m The highest is 20 kHz 1.7 mm(trap). Work out the wavelengths of these frequencies.


  1. The distance between successive crests of a sea wave is 4 m. They pass a stationary observer every 20 seconds. What is the velocity of the wave?


  1. Ripples pass along a pond. The distance between successive crests is 6 cm. The waves travel 0.5 m in 3 s. v=x/t =0.5/3 = 0.16m/s What is the wavelength in m 0.06m and the frequency? 2.67 Hz


  1. Ripples pass along a pond at 0.3 m/s. What is their wavelength if the frequency is 6 Hz? 0.05m


Two people stand some distance apart on a railway line on a still day. One person puts her ear to the rail. The other hits the rail once with a sledge hammer. The listener hears two bangs, 1 second apart. Explain.

If the speed of sound in steel is 5500m/s calculate the distance between the listener and the hammerer. 362 m