
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Acceleration due to gravity

If you only have a small strip of tape then cut along the dots.  Each dot was produced 1/50 s after the one before it.
This means the tape's velocity (and the velocity of the falling weight)
= (distance of tape in m) / (1/50)

If you measure the distance (x) in cm then v = (x/100) / (1/50) = (x/100) x 50 = 0.5x

What to do

Measure the distance of the first strip you have in cm. Divide this by 2 to get the velocity in m/s

Measure the distance of the last strip you have in cm. Divide this by 2 to get the velocity in m/s

work out the velocity change.

Count the nuber of strips you have. Each strip represents 1/50s. So the time taken for the velocty change you have calculated is (number of strips /50) s.

Now divide the velocty change calculated by the number of strips. Multiply your answer by 50 to ge the acceleration.

To work