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Year 9


Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
1.1 use the following units: kilogram (kg), metre (m), metre/second (m/s), metre/second (m/s2), newton (N), second (s), newton per kilogram (N/kg), kilogram metre/second (kg m/s).

Movement and position

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
1.2 understand and use distance-time graphs

1.3 recall and use the relationship between average speed, distance moved and time.

1.4 recall and use the relationship between acceleration, velocity and time.

1.5 interpret velocity-time graphs

1.6 determine acceleration from the gradient of a velocity-time graph

1.7 determine the distance travelled from the area between a velocity-time graph and the time axis.

  Forces, movement, shape and momentum

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
1.8 express a force as a push or pull of one body on another

1.9 identify various types of force (for example gravitational, electrostatic etc)

1.10 distinguish between vector and scalar quantities

1.11 appreciate the vector nature of a force

1.12 add forces that act along a line

1.13 understand that friction is a force that opposes motion

1.14 recall and use the relationship between unbalanced force, mass and acceleration:
force = mass × acceleration
F = m × a

1.15 recall and use the relationship between weight, mass and g:
weight = mass × g
W = m × g

1.16 describe the forces acting on falling objects and explain why falling objects reach a terminal velocity

1.17 describe the factors affecting vehicle stopping distance including speed, mass, road condition and reaction time

1.18 recall and use the relationship between momentum, mass and velocity:
momentum = mass × velocity
p = m × v

1.19 use the ideas of momentum to explain safety features

1.20 use the conservation of momentum to calculate the mass, velocity or momentum of objects

1.21 use the relationship between force, change in momentum and time taken:
force = change in momentum/time taken

1.22 understand Newton’s third law

1.23 recall and use the relationship between the moment of a force and its distance from the pivot:
moment = force × perpendicular distance from the pivot

1.24 recall that the weight of a body acts through its centre of gravity

1.25 recall and use the principle of moments for a simple system of parallel forces acting in one plane

1.26 understand that the upward forces on a light beam, supported at its ends, vary with the position of a heavy object placed on the beam

1.27 describe how extension varies with applied force for helical springs, metal wires and rubber bands

1.28 recall that the initial linear region of a force-extension graph is associated with Hooke’s law

1.29 associate elastic behaviour with the ability of a material to recover its original shape after the forces causing deformation have been removed.


Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
1.30 recall that the moon orbits the Earth and that some planets also have moons.

1.31 understand gravitational field strength, g, and recall that it is different on other planets and the moon from that on the Earth.

1.32 explain that gravitational force:
– causes the planets to orbit the sun
– causes the moon and artificial satellites to orbit the Earth
– causes comets to orbit the sun

1.33 use the relationship between orbital speed, orbital radius and time period:

1.34 describe how the orbit of a comet differs from that of a planet

1.35 recall that the solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy:
– describe a galaxy as a large collection of billions of stars
– state that the universe is a large collection of billions of galaxies.

Year 10


Objectives (spec points)
I have notes
I have revised
4.2 describe energy transfers involving the following forms of energy: thermal (heat), light, electrical, sound, kinetic, chemical, nuclear and potential (elastic and gravitational)
4.3 understand that energy is conserved

4.4 recall and use the relationship:useful energy output
Efficiency total energy input
4.5 describe a variety of everyday and scientific devices and situations, explaining the fate of the input energy in terms of the above relationship, including their representation by Sankey diagrams

4.9 recall and use the relationship between work, force and distance moved in the direction of the force:
work done = force × distance moved; W = F × d
4.10 understand that work done is equal to energy transferred

4.14 describe power as the rate of transfer of energy or the rate of doing work
4.15 use the relationship between power, work done (energy transferred) and time taken:
power = work done/ time taken: P=w/t

4.11 recall and use the relationship:
gravitational potential energy = mass × g × height
GPE = m × g × h

4.12 recall and use the relationship:
kinetic energy = ½ × mass × speed2
KE = ½ × m × v2

4.13 understand how conservation of energy produces a link between gravitational
potential energy, kinetic energy and work


Objectives (spec points)
I have notes
I have revised
3.1 use the following units: degree (o), hertz (Hz), metre (m), metre/second (m/s), second (s).
3.2 describe longitudinal and transverse waves in ropes, springs and water where appropriate
3.3 state the meaning of amplitude, frequency, wavelength and period of a wave
3.4 recall that waves transfer energy and information without transferring matter

3.5 recall and use the relationship between the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave:
wave speed = frequency × wavelength
v = f × λ
3.6 use the relationship between frequency and time period:  frequency = 1/time period

3.7 use the above relationships in different contexts including sound waves and electromagnetic waves

3.8 understand that waves can be diffracted when they pass an edge
3.9 understand that waves can be diffracted through gaps, and that the extent of diffraction depends on the wavelength and the physical dimension of the gap.

3.14 recall that light waves are transverse waves which can be reflected, refracted and diffracted
3.15 recall that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection
3.16 construct ray diagrams to illustrate the formation of a virtual image in a plane mirror

3.17 describe experiments to investigate the refraction of light, using rectangular blocks, semicircular blocks and triangular prisms

3.18 recall and use the relationship between refractive index, angle of incidence and angle
of refraction:
 n = sin i/ sin r
3.19 describe an experiment to determine the refractive index of glass, using a glass block

3.17 describe experiments to investigate the refraction of light, using rectangular blocks, semicircular blocks and triangular prisms

3.20 describe the role of total internal reflection in transmitting information along optical fibres and in prisms
3.21 recall the meaning of critical angle c

3.22 recall and use the relationship between critical angle and refractive index: sin c = 1/n

3.10 understand that light is part of a continuous electromagnetic spectrum which includes radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma ray radiations and that all these waves travel at the same speed in free space
3.11 recall the order of the electromagnetic spectrum in decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency, including the colours of the visible spectrum

Students teach each other about different parts of the EM spectrum

3.12 recall some of the uses of electromagnetic radiations, including:
radio waves: broadcasting and communications
microwaves: cooking and satellite transmissions
infrared: heaters and night vision equipment
visible light: optical fibres and photography
ultraviolet: fluorescent lamps
x-rays: observing the internal structure of objects and materials and medical
gamma rays: sterilising food and medical equipment

3.13 recall the detrimental effects of excessive exposure of the human body to electromagnetic waves, including:
microwaves: internal heating of body tissue
infra-red: skin burns
ultraviolet: damage to surface cells and blindness
gamma rays: cancer, mutation

3.23 understand the difference between analogue and digital signals
3.24 describe the advantages of using digital signals rather than analogue signals
3.25 describe how digital signals can carry more information

3.26 recall that sound waves are longitudinal waves which can be reflected, refracted and diffracted
3.27 recall that the frequency range for human hearing is 20 Hz – 20 000 Hz

3.29 understand how an oscilloscope and microphone can be used to display a sound wave
3.30 use an oscilloscope to determine the frequency of a sound wave
3.31 appreciate that the pitch of a sound depends on the frequency of vibration of the source
3.32 appreciate that the loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude of vibration.

3.31 appreciate that the pitch of a sound depends on the frequency of vibration of the source
3.27 recall that the frequency range for human hearing is 20 Hz – 20 000 Hz

3.28 describe how to measure the speed of sound in air.


Objectives (spec points)
I have notes
I have revised
7.1 use the following units: becquerel (Bq), centimetre (cm), hour (h), minute (min), second (s).
7.2 describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons and use symbols such as 14C6 to describe particular nuclei
7.3 understand the terms atomic (proton) number, mass (nucleon) number and isotope

7.4 understand that alpha and beta particles and gamma rays are ionising radiations emitted from unstable nuclei in a random process
7.5 describe the nature of alpha and beta particles and gamma rays and recall that they may be distinguished in terms of penetrating power
7.8 understand that ionising radiations can be detected using a photographic film or a Geiger-Muller detector

7.6 describe the effects on the atomic and mass numbers of a nucleus of the emission of each of the three main types of radiation
7.7 understand how to complete balanced nuclear equations

7.9 recall the sources of background radiation

7.10 understand that the activity of a radioactive source decreases over a period of time and is measured in becquerels
7.11 recall the term ‘half-life’ and understand that it is different for different radioactive isotopes

7.10 understand that the activity of a radioactive source decreases over a period of time and is measured in becquerels
7.1 use the following units: becquerel (Bq), centimetre (cm), hour (h), minute (min), second (s).

7.12 use the concept of half-life to carry out simple calculations on activity

7.13 (a) describe the uses of radioactivity in medical and non-medical tracers and in radiotherapy

7.13 (b) describe the uses of radioactivity in the radioactive dating of archaeological specimens and rocks

7.14 describe the dangers of ionising radiations, including:
radiation can cause mutations in living organisms
radiation can damage cells and tissue

7.15 describe the results of Geiger and Marsden’s experiments with gold foil and alpha particles
7.16 describe Rutherford’s nuclear model of the atom and how it accounts for the results of Geiger and Marsden’s experiment and understand the factors (charge and speed) which affect the deflection of alpha particles by a nucleus

7.17 understand that a nucleus of U-235 can be split (the process of fission) by collision with a neutron, and that this process releases energy in the form of kinetic energy of the fission products
7.18 recall that the fission of U-235 produces two daughter nuclei and a small number of neutrons
7.19 understand that a chain reaction can be set up if the neutrons produced by one fission strike other U-235

7.20 understand the role played by the control rods and moderator when the fission process is used as an energy source to generate electricity.

7.14 describe the dangers of ionising radiations, including:
radiation can cause mutations in living organisms
radiation can damage cells and tissue
the problems arising in the disposal of radioactive waste.

Solids, liquids and gases

Objectives (spec points)
I have notes
I have revised
5.7 understand that a substance can change state from solid to liquid by the process of melting
5.8 understand that a substance can change state from liquid to gas by the process of evaporation or boiling
5.9 recall that particles in a liquid have a random motion within a close-packed irregular structure
5.10 recall that particles in a solid vibrate about fixed positions within a close-packed regular structure

5.15 understand that an increase in temperature results in an increase in the speed of gas molecules
5.16 understand that the Kelvin temperature of the gas is proportional to the average kinetic energy of its molecules
5.14 describe the Kelvin scale of temperature and be able to convert between the Kelvin and Celsius scales

5.13 understand that there is an absolute zero of temperature which is – 273oC

5.8 understand that a substance can change state from liquid to gas by the process of evaporation or boiling

4.6 recall that energy transfer may take place by conduction, convection and radiation

4.6 recall that energy transfer may take place by conduction, convection and radiation
4.7 describe the role of convection in everyday phenomena

4.6 recall that energy transfer may take place by conduction, convection and radiation

Students insulate a beaker and have a competition to see which is best at keeping the water insulated.

4.8 describe how insulation is used to reduce energy transfers from buildings and the human body.

5.4 recall and use the relationship between pressure, force and area:
pressure = force/area
p = F/A

5.5 understand that the pressure at a point in a gas or liquid which is at rest acts equally in all directions
5.6 recall and use the relationship for pressure difference:
pressure difference = height × density × g
p = h×ρ × g

5.6 recall and use the relationship for pressure difference:
pressure difference = height × density × g
p = h×ρ × g

5.11 understand the significance of Brownian motion
5.12 recall that molecules in a gas have a random motion and that they exert a force and hence a pressure on the walls of the container

5.17 describe the qualitative relationship between pressure and Kelvin temperature for a gas in a sealed container
5.18 use the relationship between the pressure and Kelvin temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant volume:
5.19 use the relationship between the pressure and volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature:

Spend the whole lesson doing gas law calculations

5.1 use the following units: degrees Celsius (oC), kelvin (K), joule (J), kilogram (kg), kilogram/metre3 (kg/m3), metre (m), metre2 (m2 ), metre3 (m3), metre/second (m/s),
metre/second2 (m/s2 ), newton (N), pascal (Pa).
5.2 recall and use the relationship between density, mass and volume:
density = mass/volume
ρ = m/v

5.3 describe how to determine density using direct measurements of mass and volume

Year 11

Topic 6 – Electricity

a)   Units

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
2.1 use the following units: ampere (A), coulomb (C), joule (J), ohm (Ω), second (s), volt (V), watt (W).

b)   Mains electricity

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
2.2 recall the hazards of electricity including frayed cables, long cables, damaged plugs, water around sockets, and pushing metal objects into sockets

2.3 describe the uses of insulation, double insulation, earthing, fuses and circuit breakers in
a range of domestic appliances

2.4 know some of the different ways in which electrical heating is used in a variety of domestic contexts

2.5 understand that a current in a resistor results in the electrical transfer of energy and an increase in temperature

2.6 recall and use the relationship:
power = current × voltage
P = I × V
and apply the relationship to the selection of appropriate fuses

2.7 use the relationship between energy transferred, current, voltage and time:
energy transferred = current × voltage × time
E = I × V × t

2.8 recall that mains electricity is alternating current (a.c.) and understand the difference between this and the direct current (d.c.) supplied by a cell or battery.

c)   Energy and potential difference in circuits

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
2.9 explain why a series or parallel circuit is more appropriate for particular applications, including domestic lighting

2.10 understand that the current in a series circuit depends on the applied voltage and the number and nature of other components

2.11 describe how current varies with voltage in wires, resistors, metal filament lamps and diodes, and how this can be investigated experimentally

2.12 describe the qualitative effect of changing resistance on the current in a circuit

2.13 describe the qualitative variation of resistance of LDRs with illumination and of thermistors with temperature

2.14 know that lamps and LEDs can be used to indicate the presence of a current in a circuit

2.15 recall and use the relationship between voltage, current and resistance:
voltage = current × resistance
V = I × R

2.16 understand that current is the rate of flow of charge

2.17 recall and use the relationship between charge, current and time:
charge = current × time
Q = I × t

2.18 recall that electric current in solid metallic conductors is a flow of negatively charged electrons

2.19 recall that:
voltage is the energy transferred per unit charge passed
the volt is a joule per coulomb.

d)   Electric charge

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
2.20 identify common materials which are electrical conductors or insulators, including metals and plastics

2.21 recall that insulating materials can be charged by friction

2.22 explain that positive and negative electrostatic charges are produced on materials by the loss and gain of electrons

2.23 recall that there are forces of attraction between unlike charges and forces of repulsion between like charges

2.24 explain electrostatic phenomena in terms of the movement of electrons

2.25 recall the potential dangers of electrostatic charges, eg when fuelling aircraft and tankers

2.26 recall some uses of electrostatic charges, eg in photocopiers and inkjet printers.

Topic 7 – Magnetism and electromagnetism

a)   Units

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
6.1 use the following units: ampere (A), volt (V), watt (W).

b)   Magnetism

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
6.2 recall that magnets repel and attract other magnets, and attract magnetic substances

6.3 recall the properties of magnetically hard and soft materials

6.4 understand the term ‘magnetic field line’

6.5 understand that magnetism is induced in some materials when they are placed in a magnetic field

6.6 sketch and recognise the magnetic field pattern for a permanent bar magnet and that between two bar magnets

6.7 know how to use two permanent magnets to produce a uniform magnetic field pattern.

c)   Electromagnetism

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
6.8 recall that an electric current in a conductor produces a magnetic field round it

6.9 describe the construction of electromagnets

6.10 sketch and recognise magnetic field patterns for a straight wire, a flat circular coil and a solenoid when each is carrying a current

6.11 appreciate that there is a force on a charged particle when it moves in a magnetic field as long as its motion is not parallel to the field

6.12 recall that a force is exerted on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field, and how this effect is applied in simple d.c. electric motors and loudspeakers

6.13 use the left hand rule to predict the direction of the resulting force when a wire carries a current perpendicular to a magnetic field

6.14 recall that the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field increases with the strength of the field and with the current.

d)   Electromagnetic Induction

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
6.15 recall that a voltage is induced in a conductor or a coil when it moves through a magnetic field or when a magnetic field changes through it; also recall the factors which affect the size of the induced voltage

6.16 describe the generation of electricity by the rotation of a magnet within a coil of wire and of a coil of wire within a magnetic field; also describe the factors which affect the size of the induced voltage

6.17 recall the structure of a transformer, and understand that a transformer changes the size of an alternating voltage by having different numbers of turns on the input and output sides

6.18 explain the use of step-up and step-down transformers in the large-scale generation and transmission of electrical energy

6.19 recall and use the relationship between input (primary) and output (secondary) voltages and the turns ratio for a transformer
 input (primary) voltage          =   primary turns
output (secondary voltage)        secondary turns

V1/V2 = N1/N2 

6.20 recall and use the relationship:
input power = output power
VP IP = Vs Is
for 100% efficiency

Topic 8 – Energy resources and electricity generation

Learning objectives I can:
I have notes
I have revised
4.16 understand the energy transfers involved in generating electricity using:
geothermal resources
solar heating systems
solar cells
fossil fuels
nuclear power

4.17 describe the advantages and disadvantages of methods of large-scale electricity production from various renewable and non-renewable resources.