
Monday 12 May 2014

Wednesday 7 May 2014

P = Hrhog calculations

g = 9.81 N/kg     
Density (kg/m3)
Fresh water
Sea water
13 534
Air (at sea-level)
Corn oil
Industrial alcohol

1.       The max depth of Loch Ness is 227m. Calculate the maximum excess pressure that the monster could experience.
2.       A Cuvier beaked whale holds the world record for a mammalian dive at 2922m. Calculate the excess pressure at this depth.
3.       In a mercury barometer the atmospheric pressure is equal to the height of the column of mercury in a sealed tube. At standard atmospheric pressure the height is 760 mm of Hg. Calculate the value of standard atmospheric pressure in kPa.
4.       The highest recorded atmospheric pressure at sea level is 108.7 kPa. If a barometer contained water calculate how high the column would be.
5.       The oil in a chip pan is 20 cm deep. Calculate the excess pressure at the bottom of the pan.
6.       Jupiter’s moon, Europa has a surface of water ice. There is evidence that a liquid ocean 100km deep exists beneath this surface. Calculate the excess pressure at a depth of 227m (geuropa = 1.3N/kg)
7.       The air pressure at the base of a mountain is 75.0 cm of Hg and 60 cm of Hg at the top. Calculate the height of the mountain.
8.       Industrial alcohol is poured into a beaker to a depth 10cm. The beaker has a radius of 5cm. Calculate the excess pressure exerted on the lab bench. Calculate the force exerted on the lab bench by the alcohol. Is this equal to the weight of the alcohol?
If atmospheric pressure at sea level is 100 kPa estimate the height of the atmosphere. What assumption must you make?