
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Stopping Distances

1 (a) (i) 8m 1

(ii) 8m 1

(iii) 8m 1

(b) (i) 16m 1

(ii) 16m 1

(c) Thinking distance does not depend on these

factors (brakes, tyres or steering). 1

Thinking distance does depend on speed. 1

Total 7

2 (a) 14m 1

(b) (i) Braking distance is longer. 1

(ii) Braking distance is longer (because of

skidding). 1

Total 3

3 (a) 6m 1

(b) Braking distance more than doubles. 1

Total 2

4 (a) Stopping distance = 9 + 15 = 24m 1

(b) 24/4 = 6 car lengths. 1

Total 2

5(a) Axes labelled and at least half the paper used. 1

Points plotted correctly to give y = x2 by eye. 1

Smooth curve of best fit. (NOT dot-to-dot.) 1

(b) (i) 8 ±2m 1

(ii) 30 ±2m 1

(c) Braking distance approximately quadruples. 1

Total 6

6 (a) The empty van. 1

(b) Because it has less mass. 1

(c) The van carrying bricks. 1

Total 3

7(a) Mass does not affect thinking distance. 1

(b) Mass increases braking distance. 1

(c) Stopping distance increases because braking

distance increases. 1

Total 3

Monday 21 January 2013

Monday 14 January 2013

Wednesday 9 January 2013