
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Newton's laws (part 1)

Answers to Questions

1a           -2.5m/s2                                              b             -2500N
2a           5m/s2                                    b             450 N
3a           0.25m/s2              `               b             3N
4a           - 1500 m/s2                         b             -30 N
5              500kg
6              10m/s2

7              a = - 3m/s                                          -2250 N

Monday 19 November 2012

Answers to Physics Questions on the test

This is not a mark scheme. It is a model answer to show you how to answer these type of questions. I have not done this for you to check the marking of your paper. You are to use this to get better at answering examination questions.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Monday 5 November 2012